Thursday, August 16, 2012

Urgent: Santa Cruz Area Rescue Needed

The Santa Cruz shelter system (including Watsonville), reached maximum capacity last week.  Even with ongoing Rabbit Haven rescue and our adoption shows we have not been able to keep up – the community continues to dump unwanted animals at an alarming rate. So we have moved into action to get rabbits out to save their lives. 
In all fairness, there is just not enough shelter staff to keep up with such a large animal population. Plus now we have only space for 9 and they consistently have 14 and 16 rabbits jammed up at the shelters.   We have lost so much shelter space –and adoption have been very slow. 

In addition the shelter is also receiving many dumps of cats and dogs which create a terrible overload on the entire shelter system.   It is a nightmare. 

Some of the over rabbit crowding is due to a steady flow of rabbits that started last May and has not stopped. They just keep coming in twos and threes and we never can get caught up. This problem has been made much worse because we have lost 6 spaces at our Watsonville facility and one in Santa Cruz. Add to this that we got squeezed out of 6 spaces 4 years ago when we moved to our new facility and it begins adding up to too many rabbits and not enough space.   A bad situation for rabbits. 

The numbers dumped are increasing space is decreasing. 

Our awesome shelter advocate, Leslie, got busy sending letter and calling all the rescues near and far and to date  we have been able to get out 5 rabbits- She is transporting out tomorrow – There is still room in her car if anyone wants to help rescue.  Call me 831 600-7479.   Please see if you have one tiny space anywhere to help these little ones.
I’d like to see little Timmy get out –He is a small dwarf show in this message. He is on the “list”.

Even your commitment to take one of these cuties can save their life now.  Once I let the shelter know a rabbit has rescue they are safe, as long as they will be leaving with in a few days of the commitment. 

Please help these rabbits - All of them are special in their own way. We are asking for your help, your ideas and your support for the little bunnies in Santa Cruz - 

Most rabbits in need are even spayed and neutered.  Haven spayed and neutered 5 of our rabbits that needed it at the shelter so they could be available for adoption or rescue. 
So most you might select are already spayed or neutered. 

The rabbits are very pretty and there are an assortment colors and sizes. So just ask. I will make it happen.
Thank you to the rescue community that has helped so far.  
Getting commitments in the next few days is critical to saving their lives. Transport is offered direct to you. Call me at 831 600-7479 or email if you can help

Thank you, Auntie Heather 

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